AB Cosmetica

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Esthetic course

Start your journey with our Advanced Esthetic Courses!

75 Hours Advanced Esthetic Licensing Course

Nevada License Estheticians and Cosmetologists can obtain their Advanced Aesthetic License and Certification by completing a 75-hour Laser Program by October 1, 2023.

Resurfacing and Skin Lifting Treatments Course

Bring your Advanced Esthetics to the next level and learn the latest technology for skin resurfacing and skin tightening with Erbium Laser, CO2 Laser, HIFU, and RF.

Intense Microneedling, Jetpeel, and Chemical Peel Course

This intense course will be focusing on micro-needling with Stemcell therapy, PCA Chemical Peels, Oxygen Therapy, and Jet Peel with concentrated skin boosters for skin rejuvenation.

Features & Benefits
75 Hours of Advanced Esthetic
Licensing Course

